Female Infertility

4 Reasons For Female Infertility

If persons are not able to have children, they may be infertile. Many women suffer from problems related to infertility. Here are four common causes of female infertility.

Fallopian Tube Abnormalities

Before conception can occur, an egg must travel through the female fallopian tube into the uterus. If a woman has something wrong with her fallopian tubes, pregnancy may not be possible. Fallopian tube disorders are typically caused by pelvic inflammatory disease resulting from sexually transmitted diseases. If you are concerned that you have a sexually transmitted disease, you should see a practitioner specializing in women’s health care Dallas TX.

Insufficient Number of Viable Eggs

Pregnancy is the result of the fertilization of a viable egg. If a woman does not have enough eggs, her chance of conceiving a child is reduced. All of the eggs available to a woman are present when she is born. Egg quantity and quality can become reduced over time, making this a common cause of infertility in women of advanced maternal age.

Uterine Problems

After an egg is fertilized, the resulting embryo must attach to the uterine wall to develop into a fetus. If there is some problem with a woman’s uterus, she may not be able to have a child. Common uterine issues include fibroids and polyps that may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. 

Ovulation Disorders

Ovulation occurs to release a woman’s egg into the fallopian tube. If a woman does not have regular ovulation, her ability to conceive a child may be impacted. Ovulation can be affected by numerous factors in a woman’s life, including stress levels and eating disorders. Physiologic problems, such as thyroid and pituitary disorders, can also cause problems with ovulation.

Infertility is a common issue in women’s health care. Diagnosing the underlying cause may allow treatment to cure the problem.


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